Beyond providing food, permaculture is also founded on three ethics : Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share.

Khatib Wellspring Farmden at Nee Soon South Zone B is the first permaculture community garden being set up within an established public housing estate, in line with TCHS’s Mission to bring about an Ecologically Responsible Way of Life, to provide a platform for the creation of a socially balanced economic system.
This project would not have been possible without the collaborative efforts of our partner Cangkul Zen and Good Branchez, Carrie Tan (Grassroots Adviser for Nee Soon GRC GROs), Nee Soon South CCC Vice Chairperson Alan Poh, Zone B Residents’ Network Chairperson Ivan Tan, the residents themselves and many others working behind the scenes.
A big thank you also to Ithiel Liang of The Nature Company for their donation of materials.
Day One – 1 Oct 2023
After over 8 months of planning, the eagerly anticipated day finally arrived. TCHS President Catherine Loke and Vice-President Kuan Chee Yung joined Carrie Tan and the residents in clearing the ground, removing litter, and laying cardboard to prepare the soil, under the direction of Mohammed Nazzer Hamzah of Cangkul Zen Pte Ltd, assisted by Nurshahid, who are both also from Good Branchez.

After working up a sweat outside, we proceeded indoors to enjoy a refreshing cup of butterfly pea and lemongrass tea from the M.a.D. Garden @Winstedt.

See more photos here.
Day Two – 8 Oct 2023
On this hazy day, we spent some time removing adhesive tape and metal staples from the cardboard boxes before proceeding to lay the second layer of cardboard, ensuring that no grassy patches were left uncovered.

Although it does not look like much right now, we know that our patience will pay off as we create the right conditions for life beneath the surface to give us healthy soil.
See more photos here.
This Guide will be updated regularly to document the setting up progress – do come back to check it out!
This Permaculture Garden is jointly supported by