Past Events Categories Urban Farming

Visit to Urban Hijau, Kuala Lumpur (27 December 2022)

On 27 December 2022, TCHS's President Catherine Loke and Vice-President Kuan Chee Yung visited Urban Hijau, a 0.6 acre permaculture farm located amidst housing lots at Taman Pinggir Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur. Urban Hijau's approach is very much aligned to TCHS's Vision and Mission to look at sustainability holistically and bring about an ecologically responsible way of life.

A Rooftop Urban Farming Experience (17 September 2022)

On 17 September 2022, wethefarm at Beauty World Centre and The Circle for Human Sustainability hosted 3 students from Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) School of Design & Media (SDM) and 15 exchange students from Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University (BSRU), Thailand, to a rooftop urban farming experience.

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