Urban Farm Experience (15 September 2024)

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The morning started off sunny but cool, perfect for our Urban Farm Experience on 15 September 2024. Eight families had signed up and, including friends who said they would be dropping by, we were expecting 30+ visitors. However, the clouds soon moved in and brought a mid-morning downpour.

Fortunately, our visitors were undeterred, some going on the garden tour under the cover of banana leaves, while others were happy to walk in the rain, harvesting luffa, papaya and sweet potato leaves.

As usual, the highlight of the visit is a farm-to-table experience from our garden harvest – today our visitors got to sample soursop leaf tea and butterfly pea & lemongrass tea, and our signature M.a.D. pesto made with mulberry leaves and Indian borage which, we are told by the parents, even children who normally do not like eating greens ate eagerly.

Many thanks to Mindful Space for organising the event and to tour guides Mohammed Nazzer Hamzah of Good Branchez, M.a.D. Gardeners Kim Lee, Yen-ling Lee, James “Scooterman” Lee and TCHS President Catherine Loke for spreading the M.a.D.ness to the visitors.

If you would like to be a M.a.D. gardener, please email contact@tchs-global.org.

[M.A.D. stands for Make a Difference]

See more photos of the event here.

Written by Ar. Catherine Loke

on behalf of the
Resilience Working Group

This event was jointly organised by

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